Introduction You know your way around the select statement, you can join tables in various ways, use aggregate functions, can alter existing tables and create new objects, etc. But sometimes your SQL...
Some Books for IT Professionals
There are several books that I’ve read over the years that I believe are very educational for the IT professional. These books are not directly related to the craft of writing code (that’s another...
Adventures in UI/UX, part one of an infinite series of baffling decisions
I know, picking on remote controls is low hanging fruit but seriously, a 0/1 power button and a Power Off button? Bonus question, what is the functional difference between what appears to be a select...
Categorizing Technical Skills when Evaluating a Candidate (or yourself)
Evaluating technical skills comes up in every interview, during employee reviews, and while guiding associates on their career paths. We all focus on the ‘big’ skills are required for the position to...
What makes a good consultant
There are lots of serious articles out there listing n traits that every consultant should have (“resilient”, “forward-thinking”, “good hair”). This is not one of those articles. GET THE JOB DONE...